Graph theory primer

By Maria Sevillano

September 19, 2021


In this blogpost, I will review foundational concepts underlying co-occurrence networks and apply them to visualize a drinking water metagenome dataset.


The information discussed in the “Background” section is in part a summary of the “Graph Theory for Data Science” workshop series taught by Stanford University PhD student Julia Olivieri, as a part of Women in data science workshop series. Her workshops are available on youtube and consist of the three parts:

In May 2019, I was one of the workshop organizers for Meta-omics in Environmental Engineering Research at the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) conference. The slides I presented there are shared within this post as well.

Additionally, the plugging CoNet in the Cytoscape application will be used to infer associations between metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) from drinking water systems.

The main objective of this post is to use R packages to describe and visualize the network.


Graphs are structures that represent relationships between things.

The formal definition of a graph, G is

\[ G = (v,E) \]

the set of vertices, v (i.e., nodes), and edges, E (i.e., links) such that v is finite and non-empty and each element of E is a two-element subset of v.

In order to describe the topology of the graph we rely on different scores. Centrality measures, for example, are useful to determine the importance of nodes and edges compared to the remaining components of the graph.


At the most basic level, the degree of a vertex gives an indication of how “central” it is, and how it connects to others. We just count the connections to a node and voila. This is a local measure that is easy to calculate and high degree nodes are considered “hubs”. However, the inability to uniquely rank nodes is very likely.

Alternatively, global connectivity measures consider the node’s neighbors. One such measure is eigencentrality (i.e., eigenvector centrality). This score accounts for the degree of the node as well as the degree of connected nodes (i.e., neighbors). The relative centrality score of vertex v with neighbor t can be defined as:

\[ x_v = \frac{1}{\lambda}\sum_{t{\in}M(v)}x_t \]

where M(v) is a set of the neighbors of v and is a constant.

Other global scores that are more widely used are closeness centrality and betweenness centrality, both of which rely on path length information. Closeness centrality is a measure of how close a vertex is to the other vertices by summing the shortest path distances. Formally,

\[ \frac{N-1}{\sum_{j} d(i,j)} \]

where N is the number of nodes. It is the reciprocal of the average shortest path length.

Alternatively, betweenness centrality scores place emphasis on the shortest path a node is part of. Higher scores correspond to nodes that are gatekeepers of information flow. It is defined as follows:

\[ \sum_{j<k} \frac{g_{jk}(n_i)} {g_{jk}} \]


  • walk: sequence of vertices connected by edges.
  • trail: walk with no repeated edges.
  • cycle: non-empty trail that starts and ends at the same vertex.
  • connected: if a vertex can be reached from any other vertex through a walk.
  • tree: a connected graph that doesn’t contain any cycles.
  • degree: number of edges connected to vertex.
  • sub-graph: subset of vertices and corresponding edges.
  • complete graph: contains an edge between every pair of vertices (degree of each vertex in n-1, where n is the number of vertices).
  • clique: the largest complete sub-graph.
  • adjacency matrix: matrix with rows and columns labeled by graph vertices, with a 1 or 0 in position (v_i,v_j) according to whether v_i and v_j are adjacent or not.

There are multiple types of graphs that we might be familiarized with. For example, phylogenetic trees show ancestral relationships between taxa, chemical structures show connection between molecules, and co-occurrence networks are representations of the relationships between biological entities within a context. In this post, I will be describing the co-ocurrence network of metagenomes from drinking water systems.

There are a few tools at our disposal for co-occurrence inference from sequencing data, but I’m more familiar with CoNet. This tool detects non-random patterns of co-occurrence in presence/absence and abundance data based on user selected thresholds.

The general workflow is:

  1. Preprocessing

    raw data matrix is processed by removing rare taxa, and normalizing counts

  2. Edge score computation

    pairwise scoring using a range of measures (i.e., ensemble method) to capture different types of relationships

  3. Significance assessment

    Computation of p-value using a Z-test, comparing the permutation distribution mean given the bootstrap distribution

CoNet runs on command line and as a Cytoscape plugin, there is also an R implementation, but is not on CRAN or continuously maintained.



Data wrangling

The tables resulting from the CoNet workflow require minimal wrangling. Here’s a sneak peak of the node and edge tables, respectively.

## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   id      value
##   <chr>   <dbl>
## 1 DW01178    22
## 2 DW01233    20
## 3 DW01231    20
## 4 DW01139    20
## 5 DW01202    19
## 6 DW01177    18
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
##   from    to      weight interactionType color  
##   <chr>   <chr>    <dbl> <chr>           <chr>  
## 1 DW01142 DW01102      0 copresence      #00b300
## 2 DW01132 DW01177      0 copresence      #00b300
## 3 DW01235 DW01225      0 copresence      #00b300
## 4 DW01178 DW01202      0 copresence      #00b300
## 5 DW01233 DW01138      0 copresence      #00b300
## 6 DW00423 DW00424      0 copresence      #00b300


A high level summary of network metrics are shown below:

Network properties
Global information
property value
Clustering coefficient 0.329
Connected components 30.000
Network diameter 15.000
Network radius 1.000
Network centralization 0.076
Characteristic path length 5.012
Number of nodes 232.000
Average degree 4.517
Network density 0.020

For a comprehensive description of metrics and their interpretation, take a look a this site.

Let’s see what the network looks like!

In this network, positive and negative type interactions are colored green and red, respectively.

I’ve also created this shiny app to play with the network’s layout. Take a look!

From the network graph we can see that there are two large components (or clusters), in fact 71.12% of the MAGs are part of those clusters.

We will now hone in on these nodes by creating two connected sub-graphs.

As discussed in the ?? section, we can use centrality measures to describe node importance.

The MAGs with largest degrees correspond to DW01178 and DW00270, DW00626 in cluster 1 and 2, respectively. However, we know that degree alone is not the best metric for node importance. Let’s take a look at global metrics of centrality.

The highest ranking MAGs for each metric in terms of centrality are

Centrality metric ranking
node value
Cluster 1 - betweenness
DW00520 3611.2821
DW01139 2585.2435
DW01220 2459.7131
DW01169 1803.8373
DW01102 1746.3667
Cluster 2 - betweenness
DW00270 257.6060
DW00428 161.8021
DW00626 122.4988
DW00462 106.8060
DW00424 103.1034
Cluster 1 - degree
DW01178 22.0000
DW01233 20.0000
DW01231 20.0000
DW01139 20.0000
DW01202 19.0000
Cluster 2 - degree
DW00270 11.0000
DW00626 11.0000
DW00426 10.0000
DW00424 10.0000
DW00462 9.0000
DW00440 9.0000
DW00428 9.0000
DW00988 9.0000
DW00427 9.0000
Cluster 1 - eigenvector
DW01178 1.0000
DW01139 0.9191
DW01231 0.9139
DW01202 0.9120
DW01155 0.8747
Cluster 2 - eigenvector
DW00424 1.0000
DW00428 0.9595
DW00440 0.9517
DW00988 0.9486
DW00462 0.9091
Cluster 2 - closeness
DW00428 0.0132
DW00462 0.0127
DW00270 0.0127
DW00479 0.0125
DW00626 0.0122
Cluster 1 - closeness
DW01139 0.0024
DW01178 0.0023
DW01233 0.0023
DW01155 0.0023
DW01231 0.0023
DW01138 0.0023
DW01145 0.0023

Further, higher level metrics for both subgraphs are provided below.

Network properties of subgraphs
Global information
property Cluster 1 Cluster 2
Clustering coefficient 0.406 0.358
Network diameter 15.000 7.000
Network radius 8.000 4.000
Network centralization 0.127 0.161
Characteristic path length 5.226 3.007
Number of nodes 126.000 39.000
Average degree 6.127 4.872
Network density 0.049 0.128
Posted on:
September 19, 2021
16 minute read, 3197 words
See Also: